‘Deepening Your Roots’ Walk | September 8

Guided Walk around Talgarth, Brecon with special guest author Alan Heeks talking about ‘Natural Happiness’

An inner and outer exploration on foot from Talgarth, including magical woods and waterfalls, and Black Mountain College’s pioneering organic farm. Alan Heeks will show how to deepen our connections with Nature, so we can strengthen our roots and grow our wellbeing.

Facilitator: Sarah Price guiding the walk with special guest Alan Heeks

Alan’s unique approach uses parallels with organic ecosystems to show you how to cultivate human nature, for example composting stress and using crop cycles to avoid burnout. He will share insights from his new book, Natural Happiness, which draws on 30 years’ experience creating an organic farm and a conservation woodland, and leading many workshops based on his approach, for individuals, communities and NHS doctors.

Sarah Price will be guiding walkers around the route, and will be giving assistance over stiles and any tricky terrain. The route has hills and stiles, but no mountains, so most people with an average fitness level will be fine.

We will be stopping to eat our packed lunches, & the pace will be slow, with no one being left at the back all the time!

Cost: £23.

Timings: Sunday September 8, 10am-2.30pm.

Location: Talgarth, Brecon LD3 0PG, UK.

Bookings: Please book via this link.