‘Deepening Your Roots’ Walk | September 8

‘Deepening Your Roots’ Walk | September 8

‘Deepening Your Roots’ Walk | September 8 Guided Walk around Talgarth, Brecon with special guest author Alan Heeks talking about ‘Natural Happiness’ An inner and outer exploration on foot from Talgarth, including magical woods and waterfalls,...
From Composting to Co-creation | October 18-20 2024

From Composting to Co-creation | October 18-20 2024

From Composting to Co-creation | October 18-20 2024 GreenSpirit Annual Gathering We live in a world of beauty and joy, yet also face challenges and suffering. Green spirituality teaches us that creation and transformation are part of our journey, inviting us to...
Faith, Hope, Resilience | Saturday November 9

Faith, Hope, Resilience | Saturday November 9

Faith, Hope, Resilience | Saturday November 9 A reflective day With Alan Heeks and Simon Lockett How can we find our steady centre in these uncertain times? Where do we place our faith and our hope? What would spiritual resilience look like, for us and our...
Men’s Elderhood Retreat | November 15-17

Men’s Elderhood Retreat | November 15-17

Men’s Elderhood Retreat | November 15-17 A men’s peer group   Llanthony Valley, Black Mountains, Wales This weekend offers a shared space to explore as a peer group how we harvest the fruits and adjust to the losses of getting older: a chance to look...