Not Fade Away: The Story Behind The Book

Not Fade Away: The Story Behind The Book

Alan Heeks shares the roots of his fresh approach to creative ageing… I believe that shipwreck and re-invention are the healthy essence of the mid-life crisis, and I did mine pretty thoroughly. Two weeks before my 50th birthday, I moved out of my 27-year old...

Not Fade Away: Staying happy when you’re over 64!

Not Fade Away Staying happy when you’re over 64! By Alan Heeks Due for publication May 1, 2018: AVAILABLE NOW  THE BABY BOOMER GUIDE TO CREATIVE AGEING The late sixties and beyond are a landmark: a good time to choose what you want from the years ahead, and take stock...

How NOT to have a midlife crisis

Therapy: the book by David Lodge The ‘hero’ of this book is Tubby Passmore, 58: balding, bulging, and thoroughly lost.  Although he’s outwardly successful – well-off, modestly well-known as scriptwriter for a top sitcom, with a steady if dull marriage, Tubby is...