Resilience, Connection and Joy for crazy times 

​Five online workshops: Wednesdays April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 4.30-6 pm, 4.30-6 pm With Alan Heeks and Karim Hadden 

In stormy times, we all need to deepen our roots and find more resources, more support. This series of online workshops offers ways to cultivate spiritual resilience, make supportive connections, honour our pain, and get in touch with our joy and creativity amid the challenges. We’ll draw on a range of processes, including: 

  • Everyday ways to raise resilience, drawing on Nature, mindfulness, and Sufi teachings. 
  • Joanna Macy’s Deep Ecology approach to moving through feelings like fear and grief which can cause us to freeze. 
  • Shared practices to connect with each other and with courage and joy: sacred songs and body prayer (meditative movement).
  • Creation spirituality teachings to help us find our positive role in the unfolding story of Gaia.
  • Exploring how to deepen our sense of community and mutual support during the current crisis. 

Alan Heeks has focused on future resilience since 2012, leading a range of projects and workshops. Has been working with supporting Jem Bendell since Autumn 2018: nominated by Jem as a Deep Adaptation advocate. Alan has co-led many spiritual retreats, including several on spiritual resilience. See  

Karim Hadden is a highly experienced leader of devotional chants and Dances of Universal Peace, a form of Body Prayer. He has followed the path of Universal Sufism for many years, and works as a craniosacral therapist. 

The five workshops will follow the stages of change and discovery mapped as the Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell, who found these stages in myths and legends across the world.

  1. April 1: Leaving the Hearth – setting your intention
  2. April 8: The Early Journey – discovering new skills and connections
  3. April 15: The Dark Wood – facing challenges and growing through them
  4. April 22: The Treasure – new insights and discoveries
  5. April 29: The Hero’s Return – integration with others, celebration, next steps