A view from age 71: Gay

A view from age 71: Gay

Staying happy in your seventies Be proactive in caring for mind, body and soul. For me this begins with daily yoga and meditation practice. Be ever open to new experiences and ideas. Keep the brain working in whatever way is best for you. (I learn the words to...
A view from age 74: Giles

A view from age 74: Giles

Advice to those in their sixties: *Delegate to others more than you think you can safely do!  You can’t do it safely.  How did you learn? Don’t delay this! *Get out into nature and meditate, pray, ask questions of yourself – you are god or whatever...

Elderwoman: book by Marian van Eyk McCain

Is elderhood different for men and women? Yes and no! The question of gender differences in elderhood was a big one for me as I approached leading a mixed workshop on this theme for the first time, at Findhorn some years ago. I’ve discussed the gender question with...
Exploring elderhood at Findhorn Foundation

Exploring elderhood at Findhorn Foundation

Rich, expansive, poignant, nurturing and more… Community Centre, Findhorn Foundation In February 2013, I brought a vision to fruition: co-leading a week-long programme at Findhorn Foundation on elderhood.  My co-facilitator Ineke and I, had high hopes for the week,...